PPKS offer to the Student is subject to the following terms and conditions which shall be deemed
to have been accepted by the Student ("the Sponsor") upon payment of any Tuition Fees or
commencement of the Programme by Student, whichever is earlier.
The Registration Fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.
All tuition fees paid are non-refundable and non-transferable, except where written notice
is received by the Finance Manager/Principal stipulating that the Student does not intend to
commence or wishes to defer programme at PPKS.
In the event of non-payment late payment of the fees or any part thereof without prior
written approval from the Finance Manager/Principal, PPKS has the right without further
notice to bar the Student from using its facilities and/or attending classes and/or
withholding examination results and take such action as it deems necessary as may be
determined by PPKS from time to time.
If the fee paid exceeds the amount payable, the additional amount paid will be credited
(without any interest accruing) towards the payment of the next instalment of fee payable. A
refund of the additional amount of fee paid will not be made unless the Student discontinues
the programme.
PPKS reserves the right to vary all fees from time to time, without notice.
The Student must comply with and abide by PPKS Rules and Regulations and the Terms and
Conditions contained herein and thereafter. In the event of non-compliance by the Student of
any PPKS Rules and Regulations or Terms and Conditions contained herein and thereafter. PPKS
shall reserve its right to take such action deemed necessary against the Student including
to bar the Student from using its facilities and/or attending classes and/or withholding
examination results.
All information furnished by the Sponsor, and/or the Student to PPKS especially, with
respect to (i) the Student’s qualifications and (ii) application for admission to the
college must be true and correct in all aspects. In the event of any inaccurate or incorrect
information furnished to PPKS, PPKS shall be entitled to take all such action deemed
necessary by it. In the event of any change in the address and/or telephone number provided
in the Application Form, the Student must forthwith inform PPKS via the Change of
Particulars Form.
Permission for foreign students to study in Malaysia and permission for students to study
overseas must be obtained from relevant authorities and that the obtaining of such
permission shall be the responsibility of the Sponsor and/or the Student. Such permission
should be obtained prior to commencing the programme or going overseas, as the case may be.
In the event that PPKS is of the opinion that it is not viable for whatever reasons,
including minimum class size, to commence any proposed programmes, PPKS reserves the right
not to commence such programmes and in such an event all fees paid shall be refunded, free
of interest.
The Sponsor is deemed to have given permission to the Student to liaise with PPKS in respect
of all matters unless the Sponsor notifies the Principal in writing. Prior written notice
must be given to the Registrar in the event that the Student or Sponsor wishes to authorise
someone else to sign any documents or acknowledgement to deal with PPKS on behalf of the
Student or Sponsor.